Saturday, 31 October 2015


Long message but I thought it's good information to share
> पाण्डव पाँच भाई थे जिनके नाम हैं -
> 1. युधिष्ठिर    2. भीम    3. अर्जुन
> 4. नकुल।      5. सहदेव
> ( इन पांचों के अलावा , महाबली कर्ण भी कुंती के ही पुत्र थे , परन्तु उनकी गिनती पांडवों में नहीं की जाती है )
> यहाँ ध्यान रखें कि… पाण्डु के उपरोक्त पाँचों पुत्रों में से युधिष्ठिर, भीम और अर्जुन
> की माता कुन्ती थीं ……तथा , नकुल और सहदेव की माता माद्री थी ।
> वहीँ …. धृतराष्ट्र और गांधारी के सौ पुत्र…..
> कौरव कहलाए जिनके नाम हैं -
> 1. दुर्योधन      2. दुःशासन  3. दुःसह
> 4. दुःशल        5. जलसंघ    6. सम
> 7. सह            8. विंद        9. अनुविंद
> 10. दुर्धर्ष      11. सुबाहु।  12. दुषप्रधर्षण
> 13. दुर्मर्षण।  14. दुर्मुख    15. दुष्कर्ण
> 16. विकर्ण    17. शल      18. सत्वान
> 19. सुलोचन  20. चित्र      21. उपचित्र
> 22. चित्राक्ष    23. चारुचित्र 24. शरासन
> 25. दुर्मद।      26. दुर्विगाह  27. विवित्सु
> 28. विकटानन्द 29. ऊर्णनाभ 30. सुनाभ
> 31. नन्द।        32. उपनन्द  33. चित्रबाण
> 34. चित्रवर्मा    35. सुवर्मा    36. दुर्विमोचन
> 37. अयोबाहु  38. महाबाहु  39. चित्रांग 40. चित्रकुण्डल41. भीमवेग  42. भीमबल
> 43. बालाकि    44. बलवर्धन 45. उग्रायुध
> 46. सुषेण      47. कुण्डधर  48. महोदर
> 49. चित्रायुध  50. निषंगी    51. पाशी
> 52. वृन्दारक  53. दृढ़वर्मा    54. दृढ़क्षत्र
> 55. सोमकीर्ति  56. अनूदर    57. दढ़संघ 58. जरासंघ  59. सत्यसंघ 60. सद्सुवाक
> 61. उग्रश्रवा  62. उग्रसेन    63. सेनानी
> 64. दुष्पराजय        65. अपराजित
> 66. कुण्डशायी        67. विशालाक्ष
> 68. दुराधर  69. दृढ़हस्त    70. सुहस्त
> 71. वातवेग  72. सुवर्च    73. आदित्यकेतु
> 74. बह्वाशी  75. नागदत्त 76. उग्रशायी
> 77. कवचि    78. क्रथन। 79. कुण्डी
> 80. भीमविक्र 81. धनुर्धर  82. वीरबाहु
> 83. अलोलुप  84. अभय  85. दृढ़कर्मा
> 86. दृढ़रथाश्रय    87. अनाधृष्य
> 88. कुण्डभेदी।    89. विरवि
> 90. चित्रकुण्डल    91. प्रधम
> 92. अमाप्रमाथि    93. दीर्घरोमा
> 94. सुवीर्यवान    95. दीर्घबाहु
> 96. सुजात।        97. कनकध्वज
> 98. कुण्डाशी        99. विरज
> 100. युयुत्सु
> ( इन 100 भाइयों के अलावा कौरवों की एक बहनभी थी… जिसका नाम""दुशाला""था,
> जिसका विवाह"जयद्रथ"सेहुआ था )
> "श्री मद्-भगवत गीता"के बारे में-
> ॐ . किसको किसने सुनाई?
> उ.- श्रीकृष्ण ने अर्जुन को सुनाई।
> ॐ . कब सुनाई?
> उ.- आज से लगभग 7 हज़ार साल पहले सुनाई।
> ॐ. भगवान ने किस दिन गीता सुनाई?
> उ.- रविवार के दिन।
> ॐ. कोनसी तिथि को?
> उ.- एकादशी
> ॐ. कहा सुनाई?
> उ.- कुरुक्षेत्र की रणभूमि में।
> ॐ. कितनी देर में सुनाई?
> उ.- लगभग 45 मिनट में
> ॐ. क्यू सुनाई?
> उ.- कर्त्तव्य से भटके हुए अर्जुन को कर्त्तव्य सिखाने के लिए और आने वाली पीढियों को धर्म-ज्ञान सिखाने के लिए।
> ॐ. कितने अध्याय है?
> उ.- कुल 18 अध्याय
> ॐ. कितने श्लोक है?
> उ.- 700 श्लोक
> ॐ. गीता में क्या-क्या बताया गया है?
> उ.- ज्ञान-भक्ति-कर्म योग मार्गो की विस्तृत व्याख्या की गयी है, इन मार्गो पर चलने से व्यक्ति निश्चित ही परमपद का अधिकारी बन जाता है।
> ॐ. गीता को अर्जुन के अलावा
> और किन किन लोगो ने सुना?
> उ.- धृतराष्ट्र एवं संजय ने
> ॐ. अर्जुन से पहले गीता का पावन ज्ञान किन्हें मिला था?
> उ.- भगवान सूर्यदेव को
> ॐ. गीता की गिनती किन धर्म-ग्रंथो में आती है?
> उ.- उपनिषदों में
> ॐ. गीता किस महाग्रंथ का भाग है....?
> उ.- गीता महाभारत के एक अध्याय शांति-पर्व का एक हिस्सा है।
> ॐ. गीता का दूसरा नाम क्या है?
> उ.- गीतोपनिषद
> ॐ. गीता का सार क्या है?
> उ.- प्रभु श्रीकृष्ण की शरण लेना
> ॐ. गीता में किसने कितने श्लोक कहे है?
> उ.- श्रीकृष्ण जी ने- 574
> अर्जुन ने- 85
> धृतराष्ट्र ने- 1
> संजय ने- 40.
> अपनी युवा-पीढ़ी को गीता जी के बारे में जानकारी पहुचाने हेतु इसे ज्यादा से ज्यादा शेअर करे। धन्यवाद
> अधूरा ज्ञान खतरना होता है।
> 33 करोड नहीँ  33 कोटी देवी देवता हैँ हिँदू
> धर्म मेँ।
> कोटि = प्रकार।
> देवभाषा संस्कृत में कोटि के दो अर्थ होते है,
> कोटि का मतलब प्रकार होता है और एक अर्थ करोड़ भी होता।
> हिन्दू धर्म का दुष्प्रचार करने के लिए ये बात उडाई गयी की हिन्दुओ के 33 करोड़ देवी देवता हैं और अब तो मुर्ख हिन्दू खुद ही गाते फिरते हैं की हमारे 33 करोड़ देवी देवता हैं...
> कुल 33 प्रकार के देवी देवता हैँ हिँदू धर्म मे :-
> 12 प्रकार हैँ
> आदित्य , धाता, मित, आर्यमा,
> शक्रा, वरुण, अँश, भाग, विवास्वान, पूष,
> सविता, तवास्था, और विष्णु...!
> 8 प्रकार हे :-
> वासु:, धर, ध्रुव, सोम, अह, अनिल, अनल, प्रत्युष और प्रभाष।
> 11 प्रकार है :-
> रुद्र: ,हर,बहुरुप, त्रयँबक,
> अपराजिता, बृषाकापि, शँभू, कपार्दी,
> रेवात, मृगव्याध, शर्वा, और कपाली।
> एवँ
> दो प्रकार हैँ अश्विनी और कुमार।
> कुल :- 12+8+11+2=33 कोटी
> अगर कभी भगवान् के आगे हाथ जोड़ा है
> तो इस जानकारी को अधिक से अधिक
> लोगो तक पहुचाएं। ।
> 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
> १ हिन्दु हाेने के नाते यह जानना ज़रूरी है
> अब आपकी बारी है कि इस जानकारी को आगे बढ़ाएँ ......
> अपनी भारत की संस्कृति
> को पहचाने.
> ज्यादा से ज्यादा
> लोगो तक पहुचाये.
> खासकर अपने बच्चो को बताए
> क्योकि ये बात उन्हें कोई नहीं बताएगा...
> 📜😇  दो पक्ष-
> कृष्ण पक्ष ,
> शुक्ल पक्ष !
> 📜😇  तीन ऋण -
> देव ऋण ,
> पितृ ऋण ,
> ऋषि ऋण !
> 📜😇  चार युग -
> सतयुग ,
> त्रेतायुग ,
> द्वापरयुग ,
> कलियुग !
> 📜😇  चार धाम -
> द्वारिका ,
> बद्रीनाथ ,
> जगन्नाथ पुरी ,
> रामेश्वरम धाम !
> 📜😇  चारपीठ -
> शारदा पीठ ( द्वारिका )
> ज्योतिष पीठ ( जोशीमठ बद्रिधाम )
> गोवर्धन पीठ ( जगन्नाथपुरी ) ,
> शृंगेरीपीठ !
> 📜😇 चार वेद-
> ऋग्वेद ,
> अथर्वेद ,
> यजुर्वेद ,
> सामवेद !
> 📜😇  चार आश्रम -
> ब्रह्मचर्य ,
> गृहस्थ ,
> वानप्रस्थ ,
> संन्यास !
> 📜😇 चार अंतःकरण -
> मन ,
> बुद्धि ,
> चित्त ,
> अहंकार !
> 📜😇  पञ्च गव्य -
> गाय का घी ,
> दूध ,
> दही ,
> गोमूत्र ,
> गोबर !
> 📜😇  पञ्च देव -
> गणेश ,
> विष्णु ,
> शिव ,
> देवी ,
> सूर्य !
> 📜😇 पंच तत्त्व -
> पृथ्वी ,
> जल ,
> अग्नि ,
> वायु ,
> आकाश !
> 📜😇  छह दर्शन -
> वैशेषिक ,
> न्याय ,
> सांख्य ,
> योग ,
> पूर्व मिसांसा ,
> दक्षिण मिसांसा !
> 📜😇  सप्त ऋषि -
> विश्वामित्र ,
> जमदाग्नि ,
> भरद्वाज ,
> गौतम ,
> अत्री ,
> वशिष्ठ और कश्यप!
> 📜😇  सप्त पुरी -
> अयोध्या पुरी ,
> मथुरा पुरी ,
> माया पुरी ( हरिद्वार ) ,
> काशी ,
> कांची
> ( शिन कांची - विष्णु कांची ) ,
> अवंतिका और
> द्वारिका पुरी !
> 📜😊  आठ योग -
> यम ,
> नियम ,
> आसन ,
> प्राणायाम ,
> प्रत्याहार ,
> धारणा ,
> ध्यान एवं
> समािध !
> 📜😇 आठ लक्ष्मी -
> आग्घ ,
> विद्या ,
> सौभाग्य ,
> अमृत ,
> काम ,
> सत्य ,
> भोग ,एवं
> योग लक्ष्मी !
> 📜😇 नव दुर्गा --
> शैल पुत्री ,
> ब्रह्मचारिणी ,
> चंद्रघंटा ,
> कुष्मांडा ,
> स्कंदमाता ,
> कात्यायिनी ,
> कालरात्रि ,
> महागौरी एवं
> सिद्धिदात्री !
> 📜😇  दस दिशाएं -
> पूर्व ,
> पश्चिम ,
> उत्तर ,
> दक्षिण ,
> ईशान ,
> नैऋत्य ,
> वायव्य ,
> अग्नि
> आकाश एवं
> पाताल !
> 📜😇  मुख्य ११ अवतार -
> मत्स्य ,
> कच्छप ,
> वराह ,
> नरसिंह ,
> वामन ,
> परशुराम
> श्री राम ,
> कृष्ण ,
> बलराम ,
> बुद्ध ,
> एवं कल्कि !
> 📜😇 बारह मास -
> चैत्र ,
> वैशाख ,
> ज्येष्ठ ,
> अषाढ ,
> श्रावण ,
> भाद्रपद ,
> अश्विन ,
> कार्तिक ,
> मार्गशीर्ष ,
> पौष ,
> माघ ,
> फागुन !
> 📜😇  बारह राशी -
> मेष ,
> वृषभ ,
> मिथुन ,
> कर्क ,
> सिंह ,
> कन्या ,
> तुला ,
> वृश्चिक ,
> धनु ,
> मकर ,
> कुंभ ,
> कन्या !
> 📜😇 बारह ज्योतिर्लिंग -
> सोमनाथ ,
> मल्लिकार्जुन ,
> महाकाल ,
> ओमकारेश्वर ,
> बैजनाथ ,
> रामेश्वरम ,
> विश्वनाथ ,
> त्र्यंबकेश्वर ,
> केदारनाथ ,
> घुष्नेश्वर ,
> भीमाशंकर ,
> नागेश्वर !
> 📜😇 पंद्रह तिथियाँ -
> प्रतिपदा ,
> द्वितीय ,
> तृतीय ,
> चतुर्थी ,
> पंचमी ,
> षष्ठी ,
> सप्तमी ,
> अष्टमी ,
> नवमी ,
> दशमी ,
> एकादशी ,
> द्वादशी ,
> त्रयोदशी ,
> चतुर्दशी ,
> पूर्णिमा ,
> अमावास्या !
> 📜😇 स्मृतियां -
> मनु ,
> विष्णु ,
> अत्री ,
> हारीत ,
> याज्ञवल्क्य ,
> उशना ,
> अंगीरा ,
> यम ,
> आपस्तम्ब ,
> सर्वत ,
> कात्यायन ,
> ब्रहस्पति ,
> पराशर ,
> व्यास ,
> शांख्य ,
> लिखित ,
> दक्ष ,
> शातातप ,
> वशिष्ठ !
> इस पोस्ट को अधिकाधिक शेयर करें जिससे सबको हमारी संस्कृति का ज्ञान हो।

Thursday, 29 October 2015

A Tribute to Parsis

A Tribute to Parsis

Parsis are just 0.1% of total population, or maybe even less..........YET.........
They never asked for minority status...
They never asked for reservations...
They never fought with Indian Government...

They never felt threatened by Hindus...

They never throw bombs or stones or damage public property...

They never indulge in crimes or run the underworld...

All they do is to contribute mightily to the progress of India...

They gave us the best.....

Mr. Dadabhoy Naoroji...Mr. Firozshah Mehta....Mr. Bhikaji Cama...Mr. Ratan Tata... Mr. Adi Godrej...Mr. Cyrus Mistry...Mr. Homi Bhabha...Mr. Zubin Mehta... Mr. Nari Contractor...Mr. Farokh Engineer...Mr.Soli Sorabjee...Ms. Persis Khambata...Ms. Daizy Irani...Mr. Homi Wadia...Mr. Rustom Karanjia...Mr. Dinshaw Petit...Mr. Shapurji Pallonji...Mr. Rusy Mody...Mr. Boman Irani...Ms.Perizad Zorabian...Mr. Cyrus Poonawala...Mr. Shyamak Dawar...Mr. Cyrus Bharucha...Ms. Bachi Karkaria...Mr. Busybee... Mr. Keki Mistry...Mr. Bejan Daruwala...Mr. Mehraboon Irani....the list is endless....and above all, the one and only FIELD MARSHAL SAM MANEKSHAW !!

Each one of us Indians love and respect Parsis...They are the best gift by Almighty to India...

They are a beautiful People...A beautiful and dignified race....

I wish we had more of the Parsis who could teach our other greedy minorities as to what minority really means......It means NOT to be parasite or a leech on the country where you live...

All those who are asking for minority status, then and today, ought to be ashamed of themselves.

You owe a lot to this nation. Pay back, rather than asking from the nation.

Pictures of the new Boeing 797

Pictures of the new Boeing 797 (1,000 passengers) Airliner
Over 40 seats wide with 8 aisles –1,000 passengers and a crew of 50-ish!
Get ready it's almost here.
It can comfortably fly 10,000 Miles (16,000 km) at Mach 0.88 or 654 mph (1,046 km/h) with 1,000 passengers on board !
They have kept this secret long enough.
This shot was taken last month

The  BOEING  797
Boeing is preparing this 1,000 passenger Jet Liner that could reshape the Air Travel Industry.  Its radical 'Blended Wing & Fuselage' design has been developed by Boeing in cooperation with NASA Langley Research Centre.  The mammoth aircraft will have a wing span of 265 feet compared to 211 feet of its 747, and it has been designed to fit within the newly created Air Terminals for the 555 seat Airbus A380, which is 262 feet wide.
The new 797 is Boeing's direct response to the Airbus A380, which has racked up orders for 159 already.   Boeing decided to kill its 747X Stretched Super Jumbo in 2003 after little interest was shown for it by airline companies, but continued to develop its 'Ultimate Airbus Crusher', the 797 at its Phantom Works Research Facility in Long Beach, California.
The Airbus A380 had been in the works since 1999 and has accumulated $13 Billion in development costs, which gives Boeing a huge advantage.  More so because Airbus is thus committed to the older style tubular structure for their aircraft for decades to come.
There are several big advantages in the 'Blended Wing & Fuselage' design, the most important being the lift to drag ratio which is expected to increase by an amazing 50%, resulting in an overall weight reduction of the aircraft by 25%, making it an estimated 33% more fuel efficient than the A380, and thus making the Airbus's $13 Billion Dollar investment look pretty shaky.
'High Airframe Rigidity' is another key factor in the 'Blended Wing & Fuselage' technology.  It reduces turbulence and creates less stress on the airframe which adds to fuel efficiency, giving the 797 a tremendous 10,000 Mile range with 1,000 passengers on board cruising comfortably at Mach 0.88 or 654 MPH, which gives it another advantage over the tube-and-wing designed A380's 570 MPH.
The exact date for introduction of the 797 is as yet unclear, but the battle lines are clearly drawn in the high-stakes war for future civilian aircraft supremacy.


Royal Palaces of India

Royal Palaces of India

Amba Vilas Palace, Mysore

The palace of Mysore, also known as the Amba Vilas Place is one of the most famous tourist attractions in India after Taj Mahal and is visited by more than 2.7 million visitors annually. It is situated in the city of Mysore in Karnataka and is the official residence of Wodeyars, the former royal family of Mysore. The architecture found here is a blend of Hindu, Muslim, Rajput and gothic styles, which is described as Indo-Saracenic. Mysore Dasara festival, celebrated here during the season of autumn attracts people from various parts of the world.

Umaid Bhawan Palace, Jodhpur
Umaid Bhawan Palace is the main residence of the royal family of Jodhpur, which is one of the biggest private residences in the world. The palace, constructed between 1929 and 1944, is named after Maharaja Umaid Singh, who is the grandfather of the current owners of the Palace. This historical heritage monument has 347 rooms and a part of this palace is now managed by Taj Hotels.

The Lake Palace, Udaipur
The Lake Place of Udaipur is one of the most beautiful palaces in the world, which is now converted into a hotel equipped with 66 rooms and 17 suites. The Sisodias built it in the 17th century and the palace consists of royal durbars, huge courtyards, pillared terraces, fountains and gardens. This 250-year old palace was formerly called Jag Niwas.
Padmanabhapuram palace is located in Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu; but it comes under Kerala Government's administration. The palace belongs to the Rajas of Travancore and is one of the finest examples of traditional Kerala architecture. The carvings made of rosewood and the sculptured decor in the interiors of the palace along with the 17th and 18th century murals are some of the features which fascinate tourists, especially foreigners. Mantrasala (King's Council Chamber), Nataksala (Hall of Performance) and Thekee Kottaram (Southern Palace) are few other interesting characteristics of this palace.


Hawa Mahal or 'Palace of Winds', located in Jaipur was built in the year 1799 by Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh. The palace is designed in the form of the crown of Lord Krishna and the marvel of architect Lal Chand Ustad can be seen in this beautiful construction. This pyramid shaped monument with 953 small windows stands as the entrance to the City Palace, Jaipur and is a prominent landmark here. Try to get a glimpse of this charming construction early morning in the golden sunlight, which makes it even more striking.


Bangalore Palace is located at the heart of Bangalore and is a replica of the Windsor Castle in England. It was built by Rev. Garrett between the years 1862 and 1944, which was later bought by the Maharaja of Mysore. Currently the palace is owned by Srikanta Datta Narsimharaja Wadiyar of Mysore Royal family; the old paintings of the mid-19th century and a dining table belonging to the Diwan of Mysore, Sir Mirza Ismail are some of the attractions of this palace.


Jai Vilas Palace is an Italianate structure, which is mix of Tuscan and Corinthian architectural modes located in the city of Gwalior. Currently, the Scindia family (a Maratha clan) resides here and around 35 rooms have been transformed into the Scindia museum. The palace which was built in the year 1809 was designed by Lt. Col. Sir Michael Filose and some of the gorgeous features of this place include- the antique furniture from France and Italy, the stunning ceilings and fine Persian carpets.


The construction of Leh Palace located in the town of Leh took inspiration from the Potola Palace in Tibet. King Sengge Namgyal built this in the 17th century, but the palace was later abandoned due to some issues. One can find good collection of jewellery, ornaments and thangkas in the Palace museum.

Laxmi Vilas Palace, Baroda

Laxmi Vilas Palace in Baroda, Gujarat:it is one of the biggest palaces in the world, nearly four times the great Buckingham Palace. The royal residence of the family of Gaekwads, it was constructed in 1890 and is known for its glorious design. The palace was constructed by an architect called, Major Charles Mant.

City Palace, Jaipur

City Palace, jaipur has two main palatial buildings called Mubarak Mahal and Chandra Mahal. Built in 1732 by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II, the palace is an example of majestic architecture and amazing interior design.

Ranjit Vilas Palace, Wankaner

Ranjit Vilas Palace in Wankaner, Gujarat. The palace was built by Maharaja Amarsinhji and is known for its extraordinary European style architecture with the use of high quality Italian marble.

Taj Falaknuma Palace

Dating from 1884, the Taj Falaknuma Palace was once the private residence of the Nizams family, who welcomed such illustrious guests as King George V and Tsar Nicholas II to their hilltop palace overlooking Hyderabad. Today, following a meticulous ten-year renovation by Taj Hotels, the palace is open to visitors, and the regalia of its stately past is on sparkling display. Built from Italian marble with unique Tudor-meets Italian architecture, the palace resembles a scorpion when seen from above, its two stings housing the Historic Suites. The interiors brim with museum-quality antiques from around the world: French tapestries adorn the walls and hallways of the public spaces, original frescoes provide Baroque flourishes, and forty Belgian-cut Osler chandeliers are suspended from the ceilings. It is a palatial enclave fit for royalty.

The Amar Mahal Palace is a palace in Jammu, in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, India, which has now been converted into a Museum. It was built in the nineteenth century for Raja Amar Singh, a Dogra king by a French architect on the lines of a French Chateau. The palace was donated to the Hari-Tara charitable trust by Dr. Karan Singh for use as a museum.[1] It has many exhibits including a golden throne weighing 120 kg, Pahari miniature and Kangra miniature paintings, a library of 25,000 antique books and many rare art collections.

The Laxmi Niwas Palace

Laxmi Vilas palace at Bikaner: Bikaner is a city in the northwest of the state of Rajasthan in northern India. It was formerly the capital of the princely state of Bikaner. The city was founded by rajput Rao Bika in 1486 and from its small origins it has developed into the fifth largest city in Rajasthan.


 Although less impressive than the royal palace at Udaipur, the former residence of the Maharaja of Jaisalmer nonetheless boasts a beautiful façade which is typical of Rajput architecture. This delicate filigree stonework, adorned with numerous corbelled balconies, bears witness to the art of the Muslim sculptors and stonemasons, known as Silavats, who worked in the region. Above all, the palace offers a magnificent view of the golden city, with the Thar desert in the background.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

The First Voice Recording Made by Thomas Edison

The First Voice Recording  Made by Thomas Edison
His Masters Voice (HMV) had once published a pamphlet giving the history of gramophone record. Gramophone was invented by Thomas Alva Edison in the 19th century. Edison, who had invented many other gadgets like electric light and the motion picture camera, had become a legend even in his own time.

When he invented the gramophone record, which could record human voice for posterity, he wanted to record the voice of an eminent scholar on his first piece. For that he chose Prof. Max Muller of England, another great personality of the 19th century. He wrote to Max Muller saying, “I want to meet you and record your voice. When should I come?” Max Muller who had great respect for Edison asked him to come on a suitable time when most of the scholars of the Europe would be gathering in England.

Accordingly Edison took a ship and went to England. He was introduced to the audience. All cheered Edison’s presence. Later at the request of Edison, Max Muller came on the stage and spoke in front of the instrument. Then Edison went back to his laboratory and by afternoon came back with a disc. He played the gramophone disc from his instrument. The audience was thrilled to hear the voice of Max Muller from the instrument. They were glad that voices of great persons like Max Muller could be stored for the benefit of posterity.

After several rounds of applause and congratulations to Thomas Edison, Max Muller came to the stage and addressed the scholars and asked them, “You heard my original voice in the morning. Then you heard the same voice coming out from this instrument in the afternoon. Do you understand what I said in the morning or what you heard in the afternoon?”

The audience fell silent because they could not understand the language in which Max Muller had spoken. It was ‘Greek and Latin’ to them as they say. But had it been Greek or Latin, they would have definitely understood because they were from various parts of Europe. It was in a language which the European scholars had never heard.

Max Muller then explained what he had spoken. He said that the language he spoke was Sanskrit and it was the first sloka of Rig Veda, which says “Agni Meele Purohitam”. This was the first recorded public version on the gramophone plate.

अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवं रत्वीजम |
होतारं रत्नधातमम || Rig Veda 1.001.01

aghnimīe purohita yajñasya deva tvījam |
hotāra ratnadhātamam || Rig Veda 1.001.01

Why did Max Muller choose this? Addressing the audience he said, “Vedas are the oldest text of the human race. And “Agni Meele Purohitam” is the first verse of Rig Veda. In the most primordial time, when the people did not know how even to cover their bodies and lived by hunting and housed in caves, Indians had attained high civilization and they gave the world universal philosophies in the form of the Vedas”

When “Agni Meele Purohitam” was replayed the entire audience stood up in silence as a mark of respect for the ancient Hindu sages.

The verse means

“Oh Agni, You who gleam in the darkness, to You we come day by day, with devotion and bearing homage. So be of easy access to us, Agni, as a father to his son, abide with us for our well-being."

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Lord Ganesh Park in Ireland.........

Lord  Ganesh Park in  Ireland.........
This is the image of sculptures located in Ganesh park in Ireland. (See the links below)
Ii is spread over 22 acres. There are 9 Ganesh idols in the Park. The sculptures range in size from 5ft 6ins to 9ft and weigh between 2 and 5 tonnes. Shipping statues from India to Ireland weighing a few tons each, does not come cheap.Victor was born of German Jewish parents in Berlin in 1940.
By the age of 14, he had decided to go to India, keen to become a sadhu and spend his life in the pursuit of enlightenment. Before he had reached 25, Victor was in India. Thereafter, he spent the next 25 years as a wandering monk in India, learning about Hinduism, Buddhism, Yoga, studying the Vedas and Upanishad. He spent some time at the Arobindo Ashram in Pondicherry. He travelled widely through India, spending time at various ashrams, under the tutelage of many gurus. He also travelled to the Far East. During his long stay in India, not only did he came to love the country, but his own devotion to Sri Ganesh, arguably the most beloved of the gods, grew. That gave him the idea of starting a Ganesh Park in Ireland.

Friday, 23 October 2015


Ocean in 3D
This may be one of the"best videos ever" of the ocean with a 3D effect.
The clarity isunbelievable.
No special glasses or anything needed.
Only the people actuallyliving it can, most likely, see it any clearer.
This is in HD, 3D, Ihope your monitor can view it that way.

Friday, 16 October 2015

These Colorized Photos From The Past Will Blow You Away !

Until the 1960s, color photography was extremely rare,

and so when we think about history prior to that time,
we often envision it in black and white.                       

Today’s technology now enables us to “colorize” historical photos,
giving us our only chance at seeing what the world
really looked like back then.
And it was truly spectacular .
Take a trip back in time through these photos below.
It’s quite incredible to see Abraham Lincoln
and Albert Einstein in living color.
President Lincoln with Major General McClernand
and Allan Pinkerton at Antietam in 1862

Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels
scowls at a Jewish photographer, 1933

Audrey Hepburn

Mark Twain in 1900

Charlie Chaplin at 27 years old in 1916
Claude Monet in 1923

Brigadier General and actor Jimmy Stewart.
Stewart flew 20 combat missions over Nazi-occupied Europe,
and even flew one mission during Vietnam.

Pablo Picasso

Elizabeth Taylor in 1956

Alfred Hitchcock

Big Jay McNeely, Olympic Auditorium, 1953

Charles Darwin

Clint Eastwood, 1962

Hindenburg Blimp crash

British Soldiers Returning from the front in 1939

Samurai Training 1860

Winston Churchill, 1941

Unemployed Lumber Worker and His Wife 1939

1920s Australian mugshots from the New South Wales Police Dept

Marilyn Monroe

Joan Crawford on the set of Letty Lynton, 1932

An RAF pilot getting a haircut while reading a book between missions

Albert Einstein, 1921

Babe Ruth’s 1920 MLB debut

Clint Eastwood working on his 1958 Jag XK 120 in 1960

View from the Capitol in Nashville, 1864

Baltimore Slums, 1938
American Poet Walt Whitman, 1868

Albert Einstein on a Long Island beach in 1939

W.H. Murphy testing the bulletproof vest in 1923

A car crash in Washington D.C. around 1921

Louis Armstrong practicing backstage in 1946

Girls delivering ice, 1918

Lou Gehrig, July 4, 1939. Photo taken
right after is famous retirement speech.
He would pass away just two years later from ALS.

Times Square 1947
Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963, being transported to questioning before
his murder trial for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Helen Keller meeting comedian Charlie Chaplin in 1918

Burger Flipper 1938
Madison Square Park New York City around 1900
Country store in July 1939 Gordonton, North Carolina

Union Soldiers taking a break 1863
​Geoge Custer with dog.​
WWII soldiers on Easter
Red Hawk of the Oglala Tribe on horseback 1905 
A Washington, D. C. filling station in 1924

Boys buying flowers in 1908

An Oklahoman farmer during the great dust bowl in 1939

Louis Armstrong plays to his wife, Lucille, in Cairo, Egypt 1961
Brooklyn Bridge in 1904

Two Boxers after a fight
Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield
Brothers Robert Kennedy, Edward “Ted” Kennedy,
and John F. Kennedy outside the Oval Office.

Cornell Rowing Team 1907
Henry Ford, 1919