Tuesday 2 February 2016

When they were young.......

A                                                          young Yul                                                          Brynner:

Yul Brynner

Buddy                                                          Ebsen-Coast                                                          Guard-WW21941-46                                                          (Actor):<br>
Buddy Ebsen

Very                                                          young Lucille                                                          Ball:

A                                                          very young Mae                                                          West:
Mae West

A                                                          young Dolly                                                          Parton:
Dolly Parton

Tom                                                          Hanks:
Tom Hanks

A                                                          young Patrick                                                          Stewart:
Patrick Stewart

Wow, a                                                          young William                                                          Shatner, 1952.                                                          Newton<br>                                                          Photographic<br>                                                          Associate.:
William Shatner

Fred                                                          Gwynne (July                                                          10, 1926 –                                                          July 2,                                                          1993).<br>                                                          Born in                                                          New<br>                                                          York,                                                          NY.<br>                                                          Graduated                                                          from<br>                                                          Harvard<br>                                                          University.<br>                                                          Served in                                                          US<br>                                                          Navy during                                                          WW<br>                                                          II. Actor                                                          best<br>                                                          known for                                                          his<br>                                                          roles in                                                          the<br>                                                          television<br>                                                          series Car                                                          54,<br>                                                          Where Are                                                          You?<br>                                                          and                                                          The<br>                                                          Munsters.:
Fred Gwynne

Sean                                                          Connery:
Sean Connery

Dwight                                                          Eisenhower was                                                          the only                                                          President                                                          to<br>                                                          serve in                                                          the<br>                                                          military                                                          in<br>                                                          both World                                                          War<br>                                                          I and                                                          World<br>                                                          War II.:
Dwight Eisenhower

Marlon                                                          Brando                                                          attempted to                                                          join the Army                                                          but<br>                                                          was                                                          rejected<br>                                                          due to                                                          a<br>                                                          football                                                          knee<br>                                                          injury he                                                          got<br>                                                          at                                                          Shattuck<br>                                                          Military<br>                                                          Academy.                                                          He<br>                                                          later had                                                          knee<br>                                                          surgery<br>                                                          changing                                                          his<br>                                                          draft                                                          status<br>                                                          from 4-F                                                          to<br>                                                          1-A. Due                                                          to<br>                                                          his                                                          attitude<br>                                                          at the                                                          draft<br>                                                          board                                                          during<br>                                                          questioning                                                          he<br>                                                          was                                                          rejected<br>                                                          from                                                          the<br>                                                          Korean War.:
Marlon Brando

Lucy                                                          & Desi -                                                          WW II:
WWII Lucy and Desi

Actor Sgt                                                          Glenn Ford US                                                          Marine Corps                                                          (Served<br>                                                          1942-1944)<br>                                                          Short Bio:                                                          In<br>                                                          WWII                                                          started,<br>                                                          he put                                                          his<br>                                                          career on                                                          hold<br>                                                          and                                                          enlisted<br>                                                          in the                                                          US<br>                                                          Marines.                                                          In<br>                                                          1992, Ford                                                          was<br>                                                          awarded                                                          the<br>                                                          French                                                          Legion<br>                                                          of Honor                                                          Medal<br>                                                          for                                                          his<br>                                                          service                                                          in<br>                                                          France                                                          during<br>                                                          the war                                                          aiding<br>                                                          those                                                          fleeing<br>                                                          from                                                          the<br>                                                          Nazis. He                                                          also<br>                                                          served                                                          in<br>                                                          Vietnam as                                                          a<br>                                                          member of                                                          the<br>                                                          United                                                          States<br>                                                          Naval                                                          Reserves<br>                                                          retiring as                                                          a<br>                                                          Captain.:
Glenn Ford

Dan                                                          Blocker-Army-Korea-Sergeant                                                          (Actor):
Dan Blocker

Lieutenant                                                          John F.                                                          Kennedy, USN,                                                          World                                                          War<br>                                                          II. One of                                                          my<br>                                                          favorite<br>                                                          pictures                                                          of<br>                                                          him.:
Young Jack 

Charles                                                          Durning Actor                                                          and War                                                          Hero.<br>                                                          Seriously<br>                                                          wounded                                                          during<br>                                                          WWII                                                          while<br>                                                          serving                                                          in<br>                                                          combat as                                                          an<br>                                                          infantryman.<br>                                                          Served in                                                          the<br>                                                          invasion                                                          at<br>                                                          Normany.<br>                                                          Earned                                                          3<br>                                                          Purple                                                          Hearts<br>                                                          and a                                                          Silver<br>                                                          Cross. After                                                          a<br>                                                          Land                                                          mine<br>                                                          serious<br>                                                          injuries,<br>                                                          refused                                                          a<br>                                                          military<br>                                                          discharge.<br>                                                          Went to                                                          Battle<br>                                                          Of The                                                          Bulge.<br>                                                          Wounded                                                          again,<br>                                                          spent time                                                          in<br>                                                          military<br>                                                          hospitals<br>                                                          until                                                          1946,<br>                                                          well after                                                          the<br>                                                          war                                                          ended.<br>                                                          Durning                                                          is<br>                                                          perhaps one                                                          of<br>                                                          the                                                          bravest<br>                                                          entertainers<br>                                                          ever to                                                          serve<br>                                                          in the                                                          U.S.<br>                                                          Army. Star                                                          in<br>                                                          over                                                          100<br>                                                          films.<br>                                                          (December<br>                                                          24th):
Charles Durning

Famous                                                          Marines: “At                                                          16, Hackman                                                          left home                                                          to<br>                                                          join the                                                          U.S.<br>                                                          Marine                                                          Corps,<br>                                                          where                                                          he<br>                                                          served<br>                                                          four-and-a-half<br>                                                          years as                                                          a<br>                                                          field                                                          radio<br>                                                          operator.â€<br>                                                          #USMC                                                          #History<br>                                                          via<br>                                                          www.peerintothepast.tumblr.com:<br>
Gene Hackman

Steve                                                          McQueen- U.S.                                                          Marine Corps.:
Steve McQueen

Johnny                                                          Cash during                                                          his time in                                                          the                                                          Air<br>                                                          Force.:
Johnny Cash

Jack                                                          Benny-Navy-WW1-1917:
Jack Benny

Leonard                                                          Nimoy                                                          #startrek:
Leonard Nimoy

The                                                          Aurness                                                          brothers James                                                          Arness                                                          (Matt<br>                                                          Dillon                                                          from<br>                                                          Gunsmoke)<br>                                                          &                                                          Peter<br>                                                          Graves<br>                                                          (Flicka,<br>                                                          Mission<br>                                                          Untouchable):<br>
Brothers James Arness
and Peter Graves

Young                                                          Clark Gable:
Clark Gable

Clint                                                          Eastwood:
Clint Eastwood

Frank                                                          Sinatra:
Frank Sinatra

Lee                                                          Marvin left                                                          school and                                                          joined the                                                          US<br>                                                          Marine                                                          Corps<br>                                                          as a                                                          sniper<br>                                                          scout. He                                                          was<br>                                                          wounded                                                          in<br>                                                          action at                                                          the<br>                                                          Battle                                                          of<br>                                                          Saipan                                                          during<br>                                                          WWII and                                                          was<br>                                                          awarded                                                          the<br>                                                          Purple                                                          Heart<br>                                                          and                                                          discharged<br>                                                          at the rank                                                          of<br>                                                          Private                                                          First<br>                                                          Class.:
Lee Marvin

Paul                                                          Newman-Navy-WW2-Radioman                                                          and gunner                                                          in<br>                                                          torpedo<br>                                                          bombers.<br>                                                          Served                                                          aboard<br>                                                          USS                                                          Bunker<br>                                                          Hill                                                          during<br>                                                          Battle                                                          of<br>                                                          Okinawa                                                          1945.<br>                                                          (Actor):
Paul Newman
Edward G.                                                          Robinson-WW1-was                                                          too old for                                                          WW2<br>                                                          but gave                                                          money<br>                                                          and                                                          traveled<br>                                                          to                                                          entertain<br>                                                          troops.<br>                                                          (Actor):
Edward G Robinson  WW I

A                                                          young Farrah                                                          Fawcett:
Farrah Fawcett

Jack                                                          Nicholson high                                                          school                                                          yearbook:
Jack Nicholson

Barbara                                                          Streisand:
A                                                          very young                                                          Barbra                                                          Streisand:
Barbara Streisand

Jay Leno:
Jay Leno

Young                                                          Bruce Willis                                                          before he was                                                          famous<br>                                                          yearbook<br>                                                          picture:
Bruce Willis
Young                                                          Richard Gere                                                          yearbook                                                          picture:
Richard Gere

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